How laundry detergent works

How laundry detergent works  Detergent and soap are both antibacterial and remove dirt in warm water. Soap is made from natural fats and alkalis while detergent is synthetic – made from petrochemicals. Detergent was invented in the 1940s during wartime when animal and vegetable fats were in short supply. Previously clothes were washed in soap, […]

Choosing a mattress

Choosing a mattress   A good quality mattress will last for at least ten years. After that, the springs start to distort and the quality of the support they provide deteriorates. If your sleep is disrupted or uncomfortable or you suffer from a bad back, a new mattress is probably overdue. Down – and synthetic-filled […]


Carpets   Carpet always gives a warm welcome, especially during the colder winter months is why traditionally we have laid carpet rather than the wood and tile favoured on the continent. In the hallway, however, carpet can quickly show sings of dirt unless you take some precautions: * Choose darker shades for carpet in heavy […]

Living with pets

Living with pets. Most pet owners couldn’t imagine life without animals, but they do bring extra cleaning responsibilities. Close proximity to animals, even domesticated ones, combined with careless hygiene, can spread disease and provoke allergies in humans. Owning a pet means extra cleaning duties. We’ve always enjoyed a close relationship with animals, but pets can […]

Cleaning the Medical Cabinet

Every now and then, empty out medicine cabinet. Clean all the shelves with an all-purpose cleaner or a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water. Discard all expired prescriptions. Check the dates on over-the-counter items and throw out anything that isn’t current. If you’re not sure what something is for, get rid of it. […]

Cleaning Sink

Cleaning Sink Here’s an unpleasant thought: according to Charles P.Gerba, a University of Arizona professor, there are more germs in your kitchen sink than on your toilet seat. Think about that the next time you are about to put produce in the sink to wash, it. To sanitize your sink, use a commercial disinfectant, a […]

Washing Windows

  Washing Windows  When was the last time you washed your windows? In an ideal world, windows get cleaned – inside and out- once or twice a year. It’s one of those jobs that many people dread doing and often hire out. If you decide to do it yourself, you can make the job a […]